Endowments: An enduring way to support UW Athletics
When you endow a scholarship, a coaching position or a program, your generosity to UW Athletics will live on forever. Because the principal of your gift remains intact, with the proceeds providing an ongoing source of support, your endowment will support the Huskies for generations. Endowment gifts may be pledged over time, and qualify you for priority points and special benefits.
Endow a scholarship
Scholarships are one of Husky Athletics’ largest annual expenses. When you endow a scholarship, you give a student-athlete the opportunity for a world-class education at the University of Washington. The more scholarships covered by endowments, the more funds we free up to support other critical program and department needs.
Endow a coaching position
Just as the endowment of a professorship or deanship can help attract world-class scholars to a university, the endowment of a coaching or staff position helps attract and retain exciting talent to Husky Athletics. Your coaching endowment ensures that funding for the position will never be subject to the ups and downs of budgets but will be secured in perpetuity.
Endow a program
Boost the sport you’re most passionate about. When you create a program endowment, you create a stable source of funding, allowing a head coach to pay for team needs not covered in their annual budget. These expenditures — such as cutting-edge technology to speed recovery from injury and new team equipment — enhance the college experience and give your favorite team a competitive edge.
Your endowment opportunities:
$1 to $15 Million
Coaching endowment range
$1.8 Million
Full out-of-state scholarship endowment
Full in-state scholarship endowment
Partial scholarship endowment
Minimum program endowment