You’re the most valuable member of our team
Your gifts account for 25 percent of the funding we need each year to recruit outstanding student-athletes, develop them to reach their fullest potential at the UW and after they graduate, hire and retain excellent coaches, and build the facilities that make the fan experience second to none.
Through donor-funded scholarships and support, student-athletes compete in sports they love while earning something they will value for a lifetime: a University of Washington education. Thanks to the academic support funded by Husky donors, seven out of every 10 UW student-athletes earn a GPA of 3.0 or better. More than 8 out of 10 Husky athletes graduate, better than Washington’s overall student graduation rate.
In addition, thanks to you, our student-athletes have access to leading-edge technology to support their conditioning, training, nutrition, overall wellness, mental and emotional health, and all-around optimal performance. Your support helps keep our teams competitive in a tough Big Ten and NCAA environment. We win because of you.
By investing in Husky Athletics, you build champions – in competition and in the classroom.
The true test of your impact can be found in the classroom
Husky student-athletes excel in their education because support from Tyee Club members like you provides academic assistance, tutoring, skill-building, mentoring and more. Your gifts reap an incredible return on investment measured in student-athletes’ academic performance. Check out their most recent successes.